KMSpico 9.2.3 Final Terbaru

sebuah edu – KMSpico 9.2.3 Final adalah salah satu tool yang berfungsi untuk mengaktivasi windows 7/8/8.1 dan office 2010/2013. KMSpico ini bisa juga untuk mengaktivasi windows server 2012 R2.Pokoknya, software ini adalah software ajaib patching windows product yang wajiib Anda miliki deh, hehe.
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Cara Menggunakan KMSpico 9.2.3 Final :
  1. Turn off Antivirus (karena antivirus otomatis memblock segala jenis patch, tapi saya jamin aman)
  2. Install KMSpico in Windows.
  3. Create Shortcuts for KMSpico
  4. Run automatically KMSELDI.
  5. Make Tokens Backup.
  6. Detect VL or Retail and depending of the License Status activate or convert to VL.
  7. Activate for 180 days all VL products found.
  8. Install a windows service that reactive every windows start.
  9. Create a task schedule for AutoPico to run every 24 hours.
KMSpico 9.2.3 Final Activate:
  • Windows Vista Business/N/Enterprise/N
  • Windows 7 Professional/N/Enterprise/N
  • Windows 8 All
  • Windows 8.1 All
  • Office 2010/2013
  • Windows Server 2008/Standard/Datacenter/Enterprise/2008R2/Standard/Datacenter/Enterprise/
  • Windows Server 2012/Standard/Datacenter/2012R2/Standard/Datacenter
Change Logs:
  • Fixed bugs.
  • Now use 4 methods: first it use the SECOH-QAD method, if the first one failed then it use WinDivert method if the second failed the it use TunTap method and finally if the third failed then it use online servers method.
.NET 4.0 or Windows 8/8.1/2012/R2.
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